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National Kidney Foundation

National Kidney Foundation

What to Know and Do After Receiving a CKD Diagnosis

What to Know and Do After Receiving a CKD Diagnosis

Learn what experts say should be your first steps after receiving a diagnosis of CKD.

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If you’ve recently been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease (CKD), understanding your condition and the steps needed to manage it is necessary for managing it effectively. Here are some key basics and actionable steps to help you navigate your new CKD diagnosis.

Know Your Numbers

Upon receiving your diagnosis, several tests and measurements will become regular features in your life, to inform your treatment and make necessary adjustments over time.

  • eGFR (estimated glomerular filtration rate). A blood test measuring your remaining kidney function in terms of filtering out toxins, wastes, and extra fluids.
  • Urine albumin. Excess protein (in this case albumin) in your urine indicates kidney damage. 
  • Blood pressure. High blood pressure can harm kidneys. Know your target range and collaborate with your healthcare providers to manage and maintain it. 
  • Medication dosages. Your kidneys filter the medications that you take; impaired function requires dosage adjustments to avoid toxicity.
  • Imaging tests. Consult your doctor before undergoing tests involving intravenous contrast dyes, which can also harm your kidneys.

Dietary and Lifestyle Adjustments

Taking certain steps as soon as possible following a CKD diagnosis can go far in helping you feel better informed, more confident, and better able to take some control over what is happening with your body and how it can affect all aspects of your life.

  • Consult a dietitian. A renal dietitian can tailor a diet plan for you. Medicare covers dietitian services for those with an eGFR below 50 or with diabetes.
  • Learn about the kidney-heart connection. CKD increases heart disease risk. Discuss strategies with your doctor to minimize this risk. Regular cholesterol checks are advised.
  • Quit smoking. Smoking exacerbates kidney disease and increases the risk of kidney and bladder cancers. Quitting smoking is critical for your overall health.

Specialist Care and Treatment Options

Experts recommend consulting a nephrologist (kidney specialist) when your eGFR falls below 30. Before it reaches 30 is even better. A nephrologist can help you explore and prepare for treatment options:

  • Dialysis. Understand the differences between home dialysis (hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis) and in-center hemodialysis. If hemodialysis is necessary, surgery to create an access point to your bloodstream is required. Protect this access to ensure it functions well.
  • Transplant. A successful kidney transplant generally provides a longer and better quality life for people with kidney failure, but usually requires a long wait unless you have an eligible live kidney donor.

Navigating a new kidney disease diagnosis involves regular monitoring, lifestyle changes, and consulting specialists to manage your condition effectively. Following these steps can help maintain your health and improve your quality of life.

*National Kidney Foundation. (n.d.) First Steps After Diagnosis of CKD. Retrieved from 

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