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NephCure Kidney International

NephCure Kidney International

What Can I Eat with IgA Nephropathy?

What Can I Eat with IgA Nephropathy?

Discover more about what type of diet is best for people with IgA nephropathy, including what foods to eat, what foods to limit, and what may change as the disease progresses.

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If you’ve been diagnosed with IgA nephropathy (IgAN) and are wondering what you can do to treat it, taking your prescribed medications and attending regular doctor appointments is the first step. Following a kidney-friendly diet, however, is a key factor, too. Learn more about what type of diet is best for people with IgAN, including what foods to eat and limit, as well as what may change as the disease progresses.*

What diet should I follow?

Like with most kidney-related conditions, the earlier dietary changes occur, the better your odds are at preventing kidney disease progression. The DASH diet, which stands for dietary approaches to stop hypertension, is recommended for IgA nephropathy. 

This diet includes:

  • Fruits and veggies
  • 100% whole grains, such as quinoa, barley, and oats
  • Lean protein sources, such as 90% or leaner ground beef, chicken breast, turkey, and lentils
  • Low-fat dairy, such as Greek yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, skim or 1% milk
  • Omega-3 fatty acids, such as flaxseed, canola oil, and walnuts

Things you should limit while on this diet include:

  • Foods high in saturated fat, such as tropical oils (coconut and palm oils), full-fat dairy, and fatty meats
  • Foods with trans fat (found mainly in fried foods)
  • Sugar-sweetened beverages and sweets
  • Adding additional salt to food
  • Processed foods with excessive amounts of sodium (or salt) preservatives

Will diet restrictions increase as IgAN worsens?

Depending on the severity of your IgA nephropathy, you may be given additional dietary restrictions by your nephrologist.

This may include restrictions for:

  • Protein
  • Fluid
  • Potassium
  • Phosphorus

With increasing restrictions, your diet may become more complex, though, also more important as the severity of your CKD increases. A nutritional assessment and counseling from a renal dietitian can help you to best understand the appropriate dietary changes needed for your body. Your nephrologist can give you a referral to this type of dietitian when needed.

Additional information on diet and IgAN can be found on Healthline and Medscape.

*NephCure Kidney International. (n.d.). Diet and Nutrition.

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