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Medication Combination Achieves Remission of CKD

Medication Combination Achieves Remission of CKD

Learn about a medication combo that research says is as effective as bariatric surgery for combatting diabetic kidney disease.

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Scientific evidence has long linked obesity, diabetes, and kidney disease, and these have also been associated with poor diet and inactive lifestyle. Many obese patients may look to weight loss surgery to improve their health, but there may be another solution. Researchers at the University College Dublin in Ireland have discovered a new combination of medications that may be as effective in treating diabetic kidney disease as weight loss surgery.*

What researchers did

Obesity specialist Dr. Carel le Roux at University College Dublin and her team of researchers recruited 100 patients with diabetic kidney disease and obesity in Brazil. The participants were instructed to take a combination of the drugs Jardiance and Ozempic for five years to determine the extent of their benefits for diabetes and chronic kidney disease (CKD). Results were then compared to the researched benefits of bariatric (weight loss) surgery. 

What they found

Researchers found the medications to be an appropriate substitute for bariatric surgery in some patients. After five years, Jardiance and Ozempic were found to be as safe and effective as bariatric surgery for achieving remission of CKD. Bariatric surgery, however, was still more effective for:

  • Weight loss, 
  • Blood sugar control, and 
  • Quality of life. 

What it means 

With Jardiance and Ozempic being as effective in fighting diabetic kidney disease, patients and physicians may consider this option before resorting to bariatric surgery. While bariatric surgery is generally considered safe, the average cost ranges from $7,400 to $33,000 before insurance coverage kicks in, while the medications together can cost up to $10,000 a year. 

Has your doctor ever spoken to you about taking Ozempic and/or Jardiance for treating diabetic kidney disease? If not, speak to your doctor to learn more and discover if you may be a good candidate for the combination therapy. 

*Cavanagh, R. (2022, November 14). Drugs just as good as bariatric surgery for diabetic kidney disease. EIN News.

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