Late-stage CKD often warrants a fluid restriction. Find out why it’s important, and learn some helpful tips to stay on track.
Has your doctor recommended that you follow a fluid restriction? Patients with late-stage chronic kidney disease (CKD), including dialysis patients, are often highly encouraged to restrict their fluid intake. Learn the benefits of fluid restriction, and tips to help you follow one.*
For late-stage CKD patients, the kidneys are no longer able to balance fluids in the body adequately. Having a proper fluid balance is important to lower blood pressure, prevent cramping, and decrease stress on the heart. Too much fluid in the body can be very dangerous and, if left uncontrolled, may require hospitalization to remove the excess fluid.
Adjusting to a restricted fluid intake can take some time. Some helpful suggestions to manage your fluids include:
Fluid restrictions may seem scary and overwhelming, but help is available for you. Contact a kidney dietitian or National Kidney Foundation (NKF) peer mentor for guidance and support with following a fluid restriction.
*Learning to Follow Your Dialysis Fluid Restrictions. (2022, August 9). National Kidney Foundation.
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