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National Kidney Foundation

National Kidney Foundation

How Are Your Kidneys and Heart Connected?

How Are Your Kidneys and Heart Connected?

Damage to your kidneys can affect your heart. Learn about the connection.

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Did you know that your kidney and heart affect one another? These critical organs work together to keep you healthy. Treating your heart-related conditions like high blood pressure or high cholesterol will also help your kidneys. Learn more about what these organs do, how they work together, and how you can keep them healthy.* 

What does the heart do?

Oxygen isn’t just important for your lungs. Your cardiovascular system, composed of your heart, blood, and blood vessels, helps keep you alive by pumping blood filled with oxygen and nutrients to every part of your body. Without this oxygen, none of your organs can function properly.

What do the kidneys do?

Your kidneys are powerful chemical and filtering factories with numerous jobs that include:

  • Removing waste products and extra water from your blood
  • Helping to control blood pressure
  • Maintaining strong and healthy bones
  • Helping to stimulate the production of red blood cells
  • Balancing certain minerals in your blood (like sodium, phosphorus, and potassium)

How do the kidneys and heart work together? 

As the heart pumps blood throughout your body, the kidneys clean and remove toxins and the wastes created by your regular bodily functions. Without your kidneys, too much waste and water would build up in your blood. This would cause your heart to have to work too hard and not function properly. Without a well-functioning heart, your kidneys would not receive the oxygen needed to do their jobs. 

How are heart disease and kidney disease connected? 

Since the heart and kidneys have a close working relationship, patients who develop kidney disease or heart disease are at a higher risk of developing both kidney and heart disease. In fact, both of these diseases share many of the same risk factors, including diabetes and high blood pressure, or hypertension. 

What are some ways to keep my heart and kidneys healthy?

Even if you already have kidney and/or heart disease, it’s not too late to start healthy habits to support your heart, kidneys, and entire body. Some healthy changes you may want to consider include:

  • Get regular exercise or some form of physical activity
  • Eat less trans fat and saturated fats
  • Keep your blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol under control
  • Stop smoking
  • Find ways to effectively manage stress

It’s important to remember that what is good for your kidneys is also good for your heart. Nurturing your kidney and heart health will support your overall health, well-being, and quality of life. If you want more guidance on ways you can support your kidney and heart health, speak with your healthcare provider and/or registered dietitian.


*The Heart and Kidney Connection. (2021, October 20). National Kidney Foundation.

Source: {{articlecontent.article.sourceName}}


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