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Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology

Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology

CKD Patient with Fatigue Shares His Story

CKD Patient with Fatigue Shares His Story

Learn about one CKD patient’s story of fatigue and his hope for a new treatment to reduce it.

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Do you have chronic kidney disease (CKD) and struggle with fatigue? No matter the stage or status of kidney disease, many CKD patients often face fatigue and find little help with dietary or medication changes. Derek Forfang, a CKD patient and advocate, shares his story of fatigue before and after his kidney transplant and discusses possible causes. 

Before the Transplant: Living with Daily Fatigue

Derek Forfang was a young man when he was initially diagnosed with CKD and sleep apnea. His pulmonologist (a doctor specializing in the lungs and respiratory system) was surprised about the severity of his sleep apnea due to his age and slender build; however, his treatment worked well for a while. 

After Forfang’s kidneys failed, he started dialysis and experienced sleep issues and fatigue like many on dialysis. He recalls, “I suffered with washout after treatments and had to learn how to mitigate these issues by changing my diet, reducing fluid intake, and exercising. It didn’t always go well, but I managed.”

What Changed After the Transplant?

Like many who receive a transplant, Forfang was happy to have all the benefits and freedom transplant offers. For the first few years, his energy was back, and he says he felt amazing. 

Over time, Forfang’s energy level began to level off and deteriorate. “I began to feel fatigued at various times of the day. It hit me hardest in the late afternoon, but once again, I managed,” says Forfang. “Over the years, however, it worsened and has impacted my ability to be productive and fully enjoy some of the things I like to do.”

Assuming something had changed, Forfang returned to his pulmonologist and nephrologist. They ran tests, but nothing stood out that could be causing the fatigue. 

After failed self-treatment attempts with caffeine products and naps, Forfang is frustrated and finds the long-term fatigue to be one of the worst conditions he’s faced.

Potential Hope on the Horizon 

Forfang has recently found a potential new treatment option after reading an article titled “Airflow Limitation, Fatigue, and Health-Related Quality of Life in Kidney Transplant Recipients,” from the Clinical Journal of American Society of Nephrology (CJASN). 

Like Forfang, many kidney transplant recipients suffer from fatigue and poor health-related quality of life (HRQoL). The article discussed how airflow limitation might be an underappreciated condition often missed with these patients. Since many transplant patients often have multiple health conditions, they are at greater risk for airflow limitation. In Forfang’s case, he also had type 1 diabetes, heart disease, and vascular issues. 

According to the research, high-intensity aerobic exercise training and the use of bronchodilator medication may be suitable treatment options. This study has given Forfang, and other transplant recipients hope that they may reduce their fatigue and therefore improve their quality of life. 

About Derek Forfang

Derek Forfang is an outspoken kidney health advocate and Responsum for CKD Expert Advisory Council member. He has battled CKD for decades and has partnered with Responsum Health to empower our patient community.

*Forfang, D. (2021, November 1). Understanding Fatigue with Kidney Disease. American Society of Nephrology.

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