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Cleveland Clinic

Cleveland Clinic

What Are Some of the Best Foods for CKD?

What Are Some of the Best Foods for CKD?

Learn about some of the most kidney-friendly foods for CKD, from a registered dietitian.

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Do you struggle with understanding what to eat for kidney disease? If so, you are not alone. Many chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients do not comprehend the complex renal (kidney) diet and do not know what to eat. Learn more from Susan Meyer, a registered dietitian (RD), about what a renal diet is and what the best foods for kidney disease can include.* 

What is a renal diet?

The foods we eat are composed of nutrients our body needs to function and live. Excess nutrients get carried through our blood and filtered out through the kidneys as waste. When you have CKD and your kidneys do not function fully, a renal diet can help to slow progression and prevent complications. As CKD progresses, a renal diet may need to be more restrictive. 

In the earlier stages of CKD, you may need to cut back on meats, and add more fruits and vegetables to your diet. In the later stages of CKD, recommendations are similar but you may have more restrictions around foods high in potassium and phosphorus. If you have diabetes and/or heart disease, eating an appropriate diet to manage those conditions can also help delay CKD progression.

In end-stage kidney disease, dialysis patients may have restrictions on potassium, phosphorus, and sodium but are typically recommended to eat more high-protein foods, including meats. Following a renal diet alongside a diet to support diabetes and heart disease can help prevent complications and hospitalizations. 

What are the best foods for kidney health?

No matter the stage of kidney disease, finding appropriate foods to nourish you and support your overall health is important. Some kidney-friendly foods that are great to eat at all stages of kidney disease include:

  • Red bell peppers. Rich in several vitamins and fiber while also being low in potassium, phosphorus, and sodium, this vegetable is ideal for CKD patients. You can enjoy it raw in salads or as a snack with dip, or you may cook it with a pasta dish or casserole. 
  • Berries. Low in calories, sodium, phosphorus, and potassium, berries are a great kidney-friendly choice with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. They can be enjoyed in many ways, including in salads, cereals, and muffins. 
  • Fish. While most fish are high in protein and moderate in potassium and phosphorus, fish in moderation provides heart-healthy fats and is low in sodium. Meyer suggests eating fish two to three times a week in 2- to 3-ounce portions. 

Working with an RD can help to simplify complex diet parameters. An RD will learn your diet habits, provide feedback on what you may already be doing well, and bring your attention to specific areas of opportunity for improvement. If you have CKD, your insurance may cover visits with an RD. Ask your healthcare team for a referral to an RD in your area. 

*What Are the Best Foods for Kidney Health? (2022, July 14). Cleveland Clinic.

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